Smile Design


Smile Design - What is Digital Smile Design (DSD)?

To change or repair 1-2 teeth is usually quite easy, but to change the smile by interfering with many teeth, for example, is a lot more complicated. It requires the doctor to have a clear treatment plan, in order to minimize excessive treatment, errors during treatment … the doctor (with his team) needs to draft a treatment plan. address the patient’s needs, then discuss with the patient, once the patient has been through and agreed with the expected results presented by the doctor, then proceed. The process of showing change results before such an intervention is called the Smile Design.

The purpose of Smile Design

Show the patient and the doctor the aesthetic change of the smile of the patient at the first examination

A visual communication method between doctors and patients, helping patients understand their problems.

Develop a relatively accurate treatment plan, reduce the arising treatment, reduce treatment time

Simplify the steps in the treatment process

Implementation process Smile Design

1. Taking photos and videos

In order to perform Smile Design, the first step is to collect the patient’s data including: photos taken according to the procedure, X-ray film, function samples and it is important to know the wishes of the patient.

Smile Design is completed in about 30 minutes. During this time, patients can sit down to discuss and analyze with the doctor to feel possible changes for themselves.

2. Smile analysis

Analyze the smile through assessing the harmony with the face.

Smile Design is completed in about 30 minutes. During this time, patients can sit down to discuss and analyze with the doctor to feel possible changes for themselves.

3. Analysis of dental arch

Focus on the patient’s smile, analyze more in depth the details of the teeth, arches, upper-lower lip and gums.

Smile Design is completed in about 30 minutes. During this time, patients can sit down to discuss and analyze with the doctor to feel possible changes for themselves.

4. Preview results

Transferring the smile image has been changed according to the objective standards of aesthetics to the patient’s face, now you can somewhat see the smile change after performing Smile Design.

Smile Design implementation process is completed in about 30 minutes. During this time, patients can sit down to discuss and analyze with the doctor to feel possible changes for themselves.

The process of treating customers based on smile design

Intervention to change a patient’s smile is a complex treatment process, which requires the doctor (with his team) to be experts, experienced clinicians, mastering the knowledge of treatment. Treatment Specialist. A treatment plan for a Smile Design patient can include both Orthopedic, Orthodontic, and Periodontal treatment including Cosmetic Surgery. The most important thing is to respect the philosophy of minimal intervention.
After the patient has agreed on Smile Design’s expected change results, the doctor needs a clear detailed treatment plan.

1. Price match

Evaluation of joint evaluation of patient bite. Record the obstructions, entanglements then corrects on the patient’s mouth.

2. Wax-up

Perform the Wax-up pattern according to the dimensions made on Smile Design. On the matching rack: make fine adjustments to drift bite function.

3. Orthopedic gum

Laser cutting of gums adjusts the contour of the gums in a regular, symmetrical manner, combined with lip cutting to reduce the appearance of gums.

4. Grinding the pulp

Laser cutting of gums adjusts the contour of the gums in a regular, symmetrical manner, combined with lip cutting to reduce the appearance of gums.

5. Making temporary teeth

Making temporary teeth from Wax samples performed on the matching rack. Temporary teeth are worn by the patient for 4 weeks to evaluate cosmetic changes and chewing function. During this time the temporary teeth are corrected to meet the patient’s requirements, then the specimen is taken to make the final porcelain teeth.

6. Complete

Veneers porcelain teeth were finished in the form of temporary teeth that were satisfactory and attached to the patients and completed treatment.

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